A guide to mirrorless cameras

As photography techniques and technology have evolved, DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are two kinds of cameras that have become highly popular. However, while DSLRs offer high quality photos, they are heavy to carry. This is where mirrorless cameras step in. They are easier to carry due to their compact design ,and deliver high quality images. Due to this perfect combination of size and quality, mirrorless cameras have steadily become popular.
As the name suggests, mirrorless cameras do not have a mirror mechanism, no OVF (Optical Viewfinder), or pentaprism like a DSLR either. Light travels directly to the digital sensor through the lens, which then shows the image on the camera’s LCD screen. It allows you to make changes in the settings and preview frames in real time before capturing the same. Mirrorless cameras are mirrorless bodies with interchangeable lenses.
Mirrorless cameras are compact as compared to DSLR Cameras
Without the mirror and pentaprism, Mirrorless cameras are thinner from front and back which makes them more compact and easier to handle. That is the reason why photographers are gradually becoming more inclined toward mirrorless cameras. Many travel vloggers use mirrorless cameras as they are lightweight and have fewer moving parts.
Mirrorless cameras are best for videos
Mirrorless cameras have taken over their contemporaries especially in the videography arena. Many mirrorless cameras provide 4k video recording. Furthemore, with live view autofocus, mirrorless cameras provide a better 4k broadcasting experience. Few models come with a screen that flips out, and the user can rotate it themeselves to adjust viewing angles as per their convenience while making a video. This is one of the reasons why mirrorless cameras are steadily gaining popularity amongst video content creators.
Other advantages of mirrorless cameras
Like DSLRs, mirrorless cameras also come with interchangeable camera lenses. These interchangeable lenses help users to shoot with a long zoom lens or a portrait lens. They also have autofocus based on the sensor. Therefore, one can leave the camera to do the focusing and adjust exposure as per their liking. One no longer has to fine-tune their bodies and lenses. Thus, there are no front and back focus issues. Mirrorless cameras also come with a silent shutterhelping you avoid attracting unwanted attention while shooting.
Which mirrorless cameras are the best fit for you?
Mirrorless cameras have various features. If you are a beginner with a tight budget, then mirrorless cameras with APS-C sensors are a good fit. Many professionals who want high-quality video and images use full-frame mirrorless cameras. Sony mirrorless cameras comes with full sensor capture and are best for high-speed shooting. With no moving parts, they have a clear advantage. Their capture rates are nearly on par with high video frame rates.